• 2022年7月3日


    Verbal Agreements in Civil Law: Understanding Your Rights and Obligations

    In the world of business and personal transactions, verbal agreements are common. These agreements are often made without any written documentation and are based solely on the trust and understanding between the parties involved. However, when it comes to civil law, verbal agreements can be tricky and may not always hold up in court.

    If you find yourself in a situation where a verbal agreement has been made, it is important to understand your rights and obligations under civil law. Here are some key things to keep in mind.

    Verbal Agreements are Legally Binding

    While verbal agreements may not be as ironclad as written contracts, they are still legally binding. Under civil law, verbal agreements are enforceable, and the parties involved are obligated to fulfill their end of the agreement. This means that if one party fails to meet their obligations, the other party may have legal recourse.

    However, proving the terms of a verbal agreement can be challenging. Without written documentation, it can be difficult to establish what the exact terms of the agreement were and what expectations each party had. This is where having a clear and detailed understanding of the agreement at the time it was made can be beneficial.

    Statute of Frauds

    Under the Statute of Frauds, certain types of agreements must be in writing to be enforceable. These include agreements for the sale of real property, contracts that cannot be performed within one year, and agreements for the sale of goods over a certain amount. If a verbal agreement falls under one of these categories, it may not be enforceable under civil law.

    The rule of thumb is that any agreement that is significant in scope or value should be put in writing. This not only protects the parties involved but also provides legal clarity in case of any disputes.

    Burden of Proof

    In civil law, the burden of proof lies with the party making the claim. This means that if you are trying to enforce a verbal agreement, you will need to provide evidence that the agreement was made and that both parties understood and agreed to the terms. Keep in mind that the evidence may need to be strong enough to persuade a judge or jury.

    In order to prove the existence of a verbal agreement, you may need to provide witness statements, email or text conversations, and any other documentation that supports your case. It is also important to act quickly, as the time limit for filing a lawsuit for breach of contract under civil law is typically shorter than for other types of claims.


    Verbal agreements can be a convenient and effective way to make deals and agreements, but they come with their own set of legal challenges. Under civil law, verbal agreements are legally binding, but proving the terms and existence of the agreement can be difficult without written documentation.

    If you find yourself in a dispute over a verbal agreement, it is important to consult with an experienced civil law attorney who can provide guidance and representation. With careful planning and legal guidance, you can protect your rights and obligations when it comes to verbal agreements in civil law.

  • 2022年6月29日


    Nodding in agreement is a universal sign of consent or affirmation. In the French language, there are different ways of expressing agreement through nonverbal communication. Knowing these gestures and when to use them can help you better understand and communicate with French people.

    The most common way to nod in agreement in French is by simply nodding your head up and down. This gesture, known as “le hochement de tête,” is the same as the English nod and is used in similar contexts, such as to show agreement or acknowledgement. It is important to note that the French tend to nod their heads more subtly than English speakers, with more of an upward movement than a full up and down motion.

    Another way to nod in agreement in French is by tilting your head slightly to one side. This gesture is known as “le hochement de tête latéral” and is often used to indicate that you are paying attention or understanding what someone is saying. It is also a way to show respect or deference to the person speaking.

    In some situations, French people may also use a nonverbal gesture known as “le signe de la tête.” To make this gesture, you tilt your head back slightly and raise your eyebrows while looking at the person you are communicating with. This gesture is often used to show enthusiastic agreement or to indicate that you are impressed or pleased with what someone has said.

    It is important to note that nonverbal communication can vary widely between regions and even between individual people. While these gestures are common in French culture, it is always best to pay attention to the context and the people around you to ensure that you are using the appropriate gesture for the situation.

    In conclusion, nodding in agreement in French is a crucial aspect of nonverbal communication. Knowing the different ways to nod and when to use them can help you better understand and communicate with French people. Whether you are a tourist or a business professional, taking the time to learn these gestures can help you build stronger relationships and more meaningful connections with the people around you.

  • 2022年6月25日


    Transactional Oracle Master Agreement: All You Need to Know

    A Transactional Oracle Master Agreement (TOMA) is a legal contract specifically designed for companies that want to purchase Oracle software and services. The agreement is structured to enable companies to more easily and efficiently purchase Oracle software and support services.

    A TOMA is essentially a pre-negotiated license agreement that allows companies to obtain licenses and support services from Oracle without the need to negotiate a new agreement for each transaction. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions that govern the relationship between the customer and Oracle, including pricing, support services, and licensing terms.

    With a TOMA, customers have greater flexibility as they can purchase software and support services from Oracle without the need for complex negotiations with the software giant. It also allows for more streamlined procurement processes and enables companies to benefit from preferred pricing and other incentives.

    One of the significant benefits of a TOMA is that it allows companies to more effectively manage their Oracle software licenses and support services. The agreement provides a clear and structured framework for managing license usage, ensuring compliance with licensing terms, and renewing licenses in a timely manner.

    Another advantage of a TOMA is that it reduces the risk of disputes and misunderstandings between the customer and Oracle. The agreement provides a clear and transparent framework for managing the relationship between the two parties, reducing the risk of disputes that can arise from unclear or ambiguous terms and conditions.

    Overall, a Transactional Oracle Master Agreement is an excellent option for companies that want to purchase and manage Oracle software and support services more efficiently and effectively. It provides companies with a pre-negotiated agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship with Oracle, allowing for more streamlined procurement processes and greater flexibility in managing software licenses and support services.

    In conclusion, if you are considering purchasing Oracle software and support services, it is essential to consider a TOMA. With the benefits it provides, including streamlined procurement processes, enhanced license management, and reduced risk of disputes, a TOMA is an excellent option for companies looking to purchase Oracle software and services.

  • 2022年6月24日


    Building Momentum Agreement: A Key to Success in Business and Life

    In every aspect of life, whether it`s in business or personal endeavors, momentum is crucial to achieving success. Momentum is the force that creates motion and progress towards our goals. It`s the continuous and steady movement that enables us to reach our desired outcome. However, building momentum is not an easy task. It requires focus, dedication, and most importantly, agreement.

    Agreement is the foundation of momentum. Without agreement, there is no unity of purpose, and no collective drive towards a common goal. Building momentum agreement involves rallying your team, colleagues, or partners around a shared vision and purpose, and establishing a common agreement that drives everyone`s actions and decisions towards that goal.

    Here are some tips on building momentum agreement:

    1. Establish a Vision and Purpose

    Before anything else, you need to establish a clear and compelling vision that articulates your desired outcome. Your vision should be specific, measurable, and achievable, and it should inspire everyone to work towards achieving it. Your purpose should define the problem you`re trying to solve and the value you`re creating for your customers or stakeholders. This clarity of vision and purpose will help build agreement and momentum around the goal.

    2. Communicate Effectively

    To build momentum agreement, you need to communicate effectively with your team. Communication should be clear, concise, and consistent. Everyone should be aware of the vision, purpose, and goals, and they should understand how their role contributes to achieving them. Regular updates, progress reports, and feedback sessions are essential to keep everyone on the same page and motivated.

    3. Encourage Collaboration and Diversity

    Agreement comes from diverse perspectives and experiences. Encourage collaboration and diversity within your team. Encourage everyone to contribute their ideas, thoughts, and solutions to the problem. This diversity of thought will help build a more comprehensive and innovative approach to achieving the goal.

    4. Celebrate Progress

    Building momentum agreement requires celebrating progress along the way. Celebrate the small wins, milestones, and achievements that bring you closer to your goal. Recognize and acknowledge the efforts of your team and partners, and use these moments to reinforce the positive momentum and agreement.

    In conclusion, building momentum agreement is not an easy task. It requires clarity of vision and purpose, effective communication, collaboration, and celebration of progress. With these tips, you can build a unified team that`s committed to achieving your goals and creating momentum towards your desired outcome.

  • 2022年6月5日


    A coexistence agreement is a legal agreement between two parties that allows them to use similar or identical trademarks or trade names without infringing on each other’s rights. This type of agreement is most commonly used when two businesses operate in the same industry or market and have similar trademarks or trade names that could lead to confusion among consumers.

    The purpose of a coexistence agreement is to establish clear boundaries and avoid any potential legal disputes between the parties. By agreeing to the terms of the agreement, both parties can continue to use their respective trademarks or trade names in the marketplace without fear of infringement or legal action.

    A typical coexistence agreement will outline the specific details of the arrangement, including the scope of the agreement, the rights and limitations of each party, and any restrictions on the use of the trademark or trade name. It may also include provisions for monitoring and enforcing the terms of the agreement, such as periodic reviews or penalties for violating the terms.

    Coexistence agreements can be beneficial for businesses in a number of ways. They allow businesses to differentiate themselves in the marketplace and build brand recognition, while at the same time avoiding legal disputes that could be costly and time-consuming. They can also provide a sense of security and peace of mind for both parties, knowing that they have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations.

    In order to draft an effective coexistence agreement, it is important to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in intellectual property law. The attorney can help you navigate the complex legal landscape and ensure that the agreement is legally sound and enforceable.

    Overall, a coexistence agreement is a valuable tool for businesses that want to protect their trademarks and trade names while coexisting in the marketplace with similar businesses. By establishing clear boundaries and mutual understanding, businesses can continue to operate with confidence and minimize the risk of legal disputes.